- I bildet kan vi se personer, løv og asfalt.
- Bildet vårt er et stilleben der vi har to oppstilte objekter som symboliserer at livet går videre.
- Bildet er tatt i høydeformat fra et fugleperspektiv. De to objektene går hver sin vei.
- Bildet er et totalbilde med to personer og en bakgrunn.
- Vi har et diagonalt skille i bildet som viser forskjellen på retningen de begge går i. På den ene siden har
vi farger og varme, mens på den andre er det tomt og kjølig. Bildet er på denne måten oppmerksomhetsvekkende i form av sterke farger og kontraster
. - Bildet representerer avskjed. Det viser at selv om vi en gang står nært vil vi forlate hverandre. Som vi kan se så er den ene personen på veg inn mot høsten og det gråe, men den andre er på veg ut av løvet og på veg inn i noe nytt. Så uansett hvor mye man vil holde sammen, vil noen gå videre og noen ikke. I dette bildet er det representanter. To personer som begge går videre, men de går videre i forskjellige retninger, noe som kan bety at livet går videre, men det er opptil hver enkelt person hvilken veg de vil ta.
Av Jesper, Kristian & Einar
tirsdag 22. november 2011
onsdag 16. november 2011
What is the difference between looting and rioting?
Looting doesn’t involve physical violence.
Riots make people do that they wouldn’t normally do, like vandalism, stealing and so on.
Looting doesn’t involve physical violence.
Riots make people do that they wouldn’t normally do, like vandalism, stealing and so on.
Define the underlined (blue) words and phrases. Also note down other words you find difficult, and find out what they mean.
Social exclusion: Someone is being left outside special groups, or an entire society.
Social exclusion: Someone is being left outside special groups, or an entire society.
Disregard social norms: When you don’t pay attention, or ignore norms in the society.
High- unemployed: People who don’t have a job.
Criminologist: A person who analyzes crime, and criminal behaviors, and tries to find an explanation why.
Opportunism: The conscious policy of taking selfish advantage of circumstances with little regards for principles.
Lack of intervention: The police didn’t strike immediately as they should
Consumerism: A social and economic order based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in great amounts.
High- unemployed: People who don’t have a job.
Criminologist: A person who analyzes crime, and criminal behaviors, and tries to find an explanation why.
Opportunism: The conscious policy of taking selfish advantage of circumstances with little regards for principles.
Lack of intervention: The police didn’t strike immediately as they should
Consumerism: A social and economic order based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in great amounts.
Catalyst of unrest: The thing which were essential for these actions.
· Could this happen in Trondheim? In Oslo? Why/why not?
I don’t think this could happen here in Trondheim. In Norway there isn’t such high unemployment as in England. And people live under much better conditions here. So I think that Norwegians actually don’t have reasons to do that kind of things.
I don’t think this could happen here in Trondheim. In Norway there isn’t such high unemployment as in England. And people live under much better conditions here. So I think that Norwegians actually don’t have reasons to do that kind of things.
What can this say about the social conditions in England? How may this be connected to the traditional class system?
It was mostly people from the working class who stole from shops, and breaking windows. I would say that this shows us that people from the working class are desperate. When so many people do things like these, it must have a reason.
There is almost an entire generation, who don’t have a job in England. So the riots were a kind of response to that. But of course, it is absolutely not ok to go this far.
There is almost an entire generation, who don’t have a job in England. So the riots were a kind of response to that. But of course, it is absolutely not ok to go this far.
mandag 24. oktober 2011
The photographs are private.
The photographs are private.
søndag 23. oktober 2011
Going Home!
Right now I'm bloging from the airport. In a couple of hours, we will be sitting on the plane, on our way back to Norway. For three weeks I have been seeing a totally different wildlife, snorkling, and learned a little about australian culture as well. It has been the best three weeks of my life! As i wrote in the last post, I have been in Sydney. The city didn't seem very big, but it was a very modern city. It is actually one of the most multicultural citys in the whole world. Despite that there are so many different nationalities, I got the impression that they are very patriotic. Patriotic to the city, but most to the country. So I'm going to present some facts about the australian flag:
The Australian flag is blue with the Union Jack which is the flag of the United Kingdom.Denoting Australia's historical links with Great Britain. It also has a large white seven-pointed star, known as the Commonwealth star. It has seven points symbolizes the six states and the combined territories of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The last part of the flag is the Southern Cross. It Concists of five stars in a kite-like pattern. The constellation of the Southern Cross is a significant navigational feature of the southern hemisphere. It strongly places Australia geographically and has been associated with the continent since its earliest days.
The last part of the flag is the Southern Cross. It Concists of five stars in a kite-like pattern. The constellation of the Southern Cross is a significant navigational feature of the southern hemisphere. It strongly places Australia geographically and has been associated with the continent since its earliest days.
You can't be in Sydney without having seen the opera house. The building is huge! It has about one thousand rooms. It's one of the most famous buildings in the whole world. It reminds of several white sailing ships, which it is a lot of in the port in Sydney. When we were in Sydney we didn't stay by the opera all the time. Of course we did other things as well. We were on Bondi Beach two times, which is one of the most famous beaches in the world. There is also a TV-show from this beach. The show is about Surf Life Saving Australia who patrols the beach, and controls that everything is ok. Every day the beach was full of people, surfing and bathing.
So Sydney, and Australia was beautiful. I would recommend Australia to everyone! All the tings that I've seen has been fantastic! The country and its nature is a sight worth seeing. All of the people are so friendly as well. They smile at you everywhere, and they are so helpful! I will definitely come back some time.
Hopefully it won't be to long;)
lørdag 22. oktober 2011
My first week!
I have been here for one week now, and I have already experienced some of the coolest things you can ever imagine. As you know, I have been to the Australian Zoo, and that was awesome! I enjoyed seeing animals that I haven't seen before. Like kangaroos, koalas and of course the big crocodiles. I didn't know that they could be this big!
Here are some pictures:
Here are some pictures:

That's not the only thing I have been doing. When you are in Australia you have to see The Great Barrier Reef. It's the world's largest reef system, which is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in north-east Australia. We snorkled almost the whole day. I have seen fish and plants in all the colours of the rainbow. It so far from snorkeling in Norway, that words can't describe it. When you're in Norway, you are lucky if you get to see a fish or two, but in Australia you see hundreds of fish and other creatures everywhere. Just turn your head a little and you'll see twenty new animals. It's Amazing! It's also very clear that the Australians care about the coral reef. The beaches around were extremely clean. I think that's because Australias wildlife is so different fromother countries. So they want to take care of the typical things that we associate Australia with. Every year it comes a lot of tourists to see this things and places, so if the tourists should continue coming, it better be nice and clean. I'm tired after all the snorkling today, so I better go to bed now. In a couple of days we are going to Sydney to see the famous opera house, but I'll catch up with you later!
See you;)
fredag 21. oktober 2011
In Australia!
Finally I'm here! After the longest flight in my entire life, I'm now at the Brisbane airport, which is in the eastern Australia. For months I have been looking forward to this journey, and now it has begun. I'm here with my family to discover a country, that we don't know to much about. Now we are going to take a taxi, or the bus to the appartment that we have rented, so we can sleep and rest, after an extremely long flight, which made me exhausted
Tomorrow we are going to visit the Australia Zoo. That's the Zoo Steve Irwin or "The Crocodile Hunter" opened with his wife. Steve Irwin is famous all over the world for his TV shows about australian wildlife, especially the crocodiles. Unfortunately he died in a accident while snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef, a couple of years ago.
So I'm looking forward to a fun day tomorrow. Hopefully we get to come close to some of the animals, and how cool would'nt it be if we get to feed them? Now I have to go to bed, so I can be refreshed when I'm walking around giant crocodiles.
Good night :)
Tomorrow we are going to visit the Australia Zoo. That's the Zoo Steve Irwin or "The Crocodile Hunter" opened with his wife. Steve Irwin is famous all over the world for his TV shows about australian wildlife, especially the crocodiles. Unfortunately he died in a accident while snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef, a couple of years ago.
So I'm looking forward to a fun day tomorrow. Hopefully we get to come close to some of the animals, and how cool would'nt it be if we get to feed them? Now I have to go to bed, so I can be refreshed when I'm walking around giant crocodiles.
Good night :)
fredag 7. oktober 2011
Tavler har gjennom tidene blitt framstilt i ulike materialer - stein, tre, leire, metall, glass og plast. Tidligere kunne tavler brukes til å bevare skrift permanent, i våre dager er tavler mest brukt til å presentere informasjon i klasserom og konferanserom.
Der henger den, som støpt på veggen, og glor på oss. Har den ikke noe bedre å gjøre? Er det virkelig ikke noe annet og gjøre enn å henge der hele dagen? Den irriterer meg mere og mere.Blikket jeg får når jeg ikke forstår noe læreren nettopp har forklart? Det onde, ekle, tomme blikket. Men det har egentlig ikke noe å si, for det er bare ei stygg gammel tavle...
Der henger den, som støpt på veggen, og glor på oss. Har den ikke noe bedre å gjøre? Er det virkelig ikke noe annet og gjøre enn å henge der hele dagen? Den irriterer meg mere og mere.Blikket jeg får når jeg ikke forstår noe læreren nettopp har forklart? Det onde, ekle, tomme blikket. Men det har egentlig ikke noe å si, for det er bare ei stygg gammel tavle...
onsdag 28. september 2011
About the butterflies!
This is an good analysis because it describes the story very detailed. We get to know what the story is about, the happening and the themes.
This is an good example of how to write an analysis. It shows us how we can devide it into a summary,setting,main conflict etc.
This is an good example of how to write an analysis. It shows us how we can devide it into a summary,setting,main conflict etc.
Blood Diamond
I thought that the film Blood Diamond was quite interesting. It made me see the diamond industry in a new way. All of the action scenes made it fun to watch as well. I have seen this movie a couple of times earlier, but it is always as good as the first time I saw it.!
Fantastic me!
I'm an 16 year old boy, and I live in Norway. In my sparetime I love to play football, and to sleep. I go to the school " Thora Storm vgs" in Trondheim. It isn't much more to say, except that I am extremely good looking!
fredag 23. september 2011
God argumentasjon
Når man skal argumentere for en god sak, bør man kunne underbygge påstandene sine. Man bør ha kunnskaper om det temaet som det skal argumenteres for, eventuellt mot. Skal man kunne underbygge påstander på en god måte, så må man ha kunnskaper om begge sider av saken.
Mislykket kommunikasjon
Det var et mislykket forsøk på komunikasjon da Artur var borti Alma med pikken. Det var en dårlig måte å signalisere at han ville ha sex på.
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