onsdag 2. mai 2012

Tony Sticky Stubble

Native, spiritual, afraid and naive
Son of Old Sitting Bull
born on Christmas eve
Who loves hamburgers, cars and rain
He feels fear, anger and pain
Needs peace, family and friends
Fears cops, demons and people that pretends
He gives shit and doesn’t bother of who he hits
no matter if it’s a carpet of fleece, geese or a filthy police.
Wishes to see the raindrops fall, the crops to grow and the grains to show.
Conditions are bad, a lack of food and he’s in a bad mood.    
Sticky Stubble

Jesper, Erik & Espen

onsdag 11. april 2012

30 Rock

I think we watched the episode because it was really relevant to our topic about racism and prejudices. In the episode is the women convinced that her new neighbour from the Middle-East is a terrorist. The message in this show is that we sholdn't judge people without knowing them. There are millions of foreigners, and less than 1% of them are terrorists.

Using humour is a  good way to approach sensitive topics. If we can make comedy out of it, it will make it not as taboo as it might be today. On the other hand you must know who you are talking to. Some people might think it's funny and laugh of it, but other's can feel hurt. They aren't sure if it's only a joke or if the person who says it really means what he/she are saying.
So we need to be sure that they don't feel harassed, but see the funny side of it instead. If more and more people think it's ok to joke about it, then it will take some of the prejudices away.

torsdag 8. mars 2012

Oppgåve C

Den høge mørkhåra guten kjem inn 5min før timen begynn. Han er nokså blek i det han kjem inn i rommet med musikk på øra. Han tenkjer på fotballtreninga han skal på seinare og sjølvsagt bandykølla si. Han set seg ned og er snill med klassekameratane.  

Jesper & Einar

onsdag 7. mars 2012


•    Which of these last words made most of an impression on you? Why? What do you think this person was feeling at that moment?
Is the mike on?
I seems like this person is extremely calm. Like this don’t mean anything especially to him/her. So I think that this person is a cold person and is not regretting for what he/she have done.
I don’t think this person feels anything when he/she says these words. If that’s the only thing you can up with, just before your about to die, you don’t regret.

•    Death penalty – pros and cons. Make a list. Are you for or against the death penalty, personally? Explain.
 - You become 100% sure that this person will never do something illegal again.
 -  Many people think it’s cheaper than keeping them in jail for the rest of their lives.

 -It doesn’t get better if we take people’s lives.
 - It’s better that they spend the rest of their lives in jail and think over what they have actually done than being killed. 

I’m against it because I don’t think it solves anything. If people have done something bad you just go and kill them? I think we should punish murderers by letting them spend the rest of their lives in jail, to think over what they have done. I mean this is more effective than just let them finish the whole thing of.

mandag 5. mars 2012

Oppgåva B c)

Eg tok eit tygg av maten min. Det første som slo meg var ein herleg smak av oregano og ost. Seinare slo kjøttdeigen inn før eg til slutt sende maten vidare i fordøyelsen.
Av Jesper & Einar

Oppgåve B a)

Kvar dag går Michael den 20 minutt lange vegen hem ifrå skulen, med Ipoden på fullt volum. Han tilpassar tempoet i forhold til takta på musikken. Når han omsider kjem heim, spring han opp på rommet og sett seg på sengekanten med gitaren i fanget. Der kan han sitte i fleire timar utan og gjere noko som helst anna.
Av Jesper & Einar

fredag 2. mars 2012

Øyeblikk 1

På buss nr 66 eg sit og over kneisa vi kjem. Langt ute i horisonten ligg Moholt Studentby der det utruleg nok ikkje står eit menneske, det sit 2. På bussholdeplassen stoppar vi, og inn i bussen vaglar 2 papegøyar av nokre fossil. Bussen var full men på grunn av inkompetente medpassasjerar som reiser seg for eldre, ender dei gamle damene opp bak ryggen min. Og i veg som vi køyrer kaklar dei i same tempo. Symaskin, kamferdrops og sviskekompott var blant anna verdensproblemene denne gongen. Ikkje optimalt å avslutte ei slitsam veke med å vere utlerd i undertråd. Takka vere moderne bussar som har ein høgare fart enn dei gamle, rakk eg akkurat  å ikkje få med meg oppskrifta på kamferdrops.

Av Jesper & Einar